Dessert apple
Origin unknown but described in 1920. Fruits have crisp, pale yellow, juicy flesh with a pleasant flavour.
Availability Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Sizemedium 2
TypeDessert 2
ShapeConical 2
Height51.00 mm 2
Width51.00 mm 2
Ribbingstrong 2
Ground ColourWhitish yellow 2
Over ColourBrown 2
Russethigh-very high 2
Crunchcrisp 2
Flesh ColourYellowish 2
Accession name Nutmeg Pippin
Flowering time 3rd May 10% flowering 9th May Full (80%) flowering16th May 90% petal fall
Picking time Early October 1
References: 1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale. 2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register