Ribston Pippin
Dessert apple
Malus domestica Borkh.
Raised at Ribston Hall, Yorkshire, England from seed brought from Rouen, and planted in about 1707. Received the Award of Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1962. Fruits have firm, fine-textured, moderately juicy flesh with a rich aromatic flavour.
Beautiful Pippin, Englische Granat Reinette, Englische Granat-Reinette, Englische Granatreinette, Englische Granatrenette, English Granat Reinette, Essex Pippin, Flory of York, Formosa, Formosa Pepping, Formosa Pippin, Glory of York, Granat-Reinette, Granatreinette, Jadrnac Ribstonsky, Kaiser Reinette, Lord Raglan, Nonpareil d'Angleterre, Nonpareille, Nonpareille d'Angleterre, Pepin de Ribston, Pepin Ribston, Pepin Ribstona, Pepina Ribstona, Pomme Granatee, Pomme Granite, Poppina Ribston, Reinette de Traver, Reinette de Travers, Reinette de Traves, Reinette Grenade Anglaise, Ribsten Renett, Ribston, Ribston Orange, Ribston Pepin, Ribston Pepping, Ribston-Pepping, Ribston's Pepping, Ribstone, Ribstone Pippin, Ribstonov Pepin, Ribstonské, Ribstonsky Jadernac, Ridge, Rockhill's Russet, Traver's, Traver's Apple, Traver's Pippin, Traver's Reinette, Travers, Travers Apple, Travers Peppin, Travers Pippin, Travers Reinette, Travers', Travers' Apfel, Travers' Pippin, Travers's, Travers's Apple, Travers's Reinette
Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Material held in Tidnor Wood National Collection® of Malus (Cider making)
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Croft Pendarren)
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Donnington)
Mother to:
Sturmer Pippin
Jennifer Wastie
Cox's Pomona
Cox's Orange Pippin
Cox's Orange Pippin Red Sport (Potter)
Father to:
Freiherr von Berlepsch
King's Acre Pippin
Laxton's Rearguard
Reverend W. Wilks
medium 2
Dessert 2
Flat 2
55.50 mm 2
66.50 mm 2
medium 2
Ground Colour
Yellow 2
Over Colour
Orange 2
Over Colour (Pattern)
streaked 2
low 2
Medium 2
firm 2
fine 2
Flesh Colour
Yellowish 2
Accession name
Ribston Pippin (LA)
Flowering time
3rd May 10% flowering
8th May Full (80%) flowering
16th May 90% petal fall
Picking time
Late September 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register