Adams's Pearmain
Dessert apple
Malus domestica Borkh.
Brought to notice in 1826 and introduced and exhibited by R. Adams from Herefordshire. A popular Edwardian and Victorian dessert apple. Fruits are juicy and a little sweet, with a pleasant aromatic flavour.
Adam's Parmane, Adam's Pearmain, Adams Parmain, Adams Parman, Adams Parmane, Adams', Adams' Parmaene, Adams' Parmain, Adams' Parmane, Adams's Parmane, Adams's Reinett, Adamsapfel, Adamsova parména, Adamsovo, Adamsparman, Hanging Pearmain, Lady's Finger, Matchless, Moriker, Norfolk Pippin, Norfolk Russet, Norfolk-Adams Parmaene, Parmain d'Adam, Parmaine d'Adams, Parmen Adams, Parmen Adamsa, Pearmain d'Adam, Pearmain d'Adams, Pepin de Norfolk, Pepin du Norfolk, Pippin Golden Hagvey, Rough Pippin, Rousse de Norfolk, Rousse du Norfolk, Russet aus Norfolk, Winter Striper Pearmain
Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Material held in the East of England Apples & Orchards Project
Material held in Tidnor Wood National Collection® of Malus (Cider making)
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Paramor)
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Croft Pendarren)
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Donnington)
medium 2
Dessert 2
Truncate conical 2
65.00 mm 2
70.00 mm 2
weak-medium 2
Ground Colour
Green yellow 2
Over Colour (Amount)
low 2
Over Colour
Orange 2
Over Colour (Pattern)
streaked 2
low-medium 2
crisp 2
fine 2
Flesh Colour
Cream 2
Accession name
Adam's Pearmain (LA 73A)
Flowering time
2nd May 10% flowering
7th May Full (80%) flowering
14th May 90% petal fall
Picking time
Early October 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register