Dessert pear
A seedling of Vans Mons. Fruits have white, melting flesh with a delicious flavour.
Availability Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Accession name Beurre d'Anjou (LA)
Flowering time 14th April 10% flowering 19th April Full (80%) flowering1st May 90% petal fall
Size medium-large 1
Type Dessert 1
Shape ovoid/conical 1
Ground Colour yellow 1
Over Colour (Amount) very low 1
Over Colour orange 1
Russet low 1
Flesh Colour white/cream 1
Weight 279.00 g 1
Russet (percent) 1-25% 1
Stalk Angle straight 1
Stalk Curve absent 1
Stalk Thickness thick 1
Stalk Length short mm 1
Eye Aperture open 1
References: 1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.