Grand Duke

Culinary plum

Prunus domestica L.

Raised by Rivers of Sawbridgeworth and introduced in 1876. It was awarded a First Class Certificate by the RHS in 1880. Fruits have fairly firm, rather dry flesh with a subacid to little sweet flavour.

Material in the National Fruit Collection is available under license.

Accession No.
2003 - 002     check_circle

Accession name
Grand Duke

Flowering time
6th April 10% flowering
10th April Full (80%) flowering
23rd April 90% petal fall

Picking time
Mid-Late September 1

large 1

Culinary 1

Oval/Long 1

Fruit Weight
95.87 g 1

Skin Colour
Violet blue 1

Stalk Length
22.63 mm 1

Semi-freestone/Clingstone 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.