Dessert pear
Originated with Alessandro Morettini, Florence, Italy. Selected in 1940 and introduced in 1960. Fruits have white, juicy flesh with an excellent flavour.
Availability Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Parentage: Coscia x Beurre Clairgeau
Accession name Butirra Rosata Morettini
Flowering time 13th April 10% flowering 18th April Full (80%) flowering26th April 90% petal fall
Size small-medium 1
Type Dessert 1
Shape conical 1
Ground Colour yellow 1
Over Colour (Amount) medium 1
Over Colour orange-red 1
Russet low 1
Flesh Colour white 1
Weight 163.00 g 1
Russet (percent) 1-25% 1
Stalk Angle oblique 1
Stalk Curve absent 1
Stalk Thickness thick 1
Stalk Length short mm 1
Eye Aperture open 1
References: 1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.