Newtown Pippin
Malus domestica Borkh.
Originated on the estate of Gersham Moore at Newtown, Long Island, USA. It was well known in 1759. Fruits have firm, fine-textured, juicy flesh with a trace of richness.
Albemarle, Albemarle Pippin, Albermarle, Albermarle Pippin, American Newton Pippin, American Newtown Pippin, Back Creek, Brooke Pippin, Brooke's Pippin, Brookes Pippin, Brookes' Pippin, Coxe's Green Newton Pippin, de New York, Gelber von Newton, Green Newton Pippin, Green Newtown, Green Newtown Pippin, Green Newtown-Pippin, Green Ohio Pippin, Green Winter Pippin, Hampshire Greening, Hunt's Fine Green Pippin, Hunt's Green Newton Pippin, Hunt's Green Newtown Pippin, Kostliche Reinette von Newtown, Large Green Newtown Pippin, Large Newton Pippin, Large Newtown Pippin, Large Yellow, Large Yellow Newton Pippin, Large Yellow Newtown Pippin, Mountain Pippin, Neujorker Reinette, Neustadt's Gelber Pepping, Neustadt's Grosser Pepping, Neustadts Grosser Pepping, Neustadts Kostliche Reinette, New York, New York Greening, New York Pippin, New York Reinette, New-York, Newjorker Reinette, Newton, Newton Green Pippin, Newton Pippin, Newton Yellow Pippin, Newton'pippin, Newton's Pippin, Newtown Green Winter Pippin, Newtown Pippin from New York, Newtown Vert, Ohio Green Pippin, Pepin de Newtown, Pepin Newtona, Pepin Newtown, Pepin Nouvelle-Ville, Pepin Vert de Newton, Pepin Vert de Newtown, Pepin-Vert de Newton, Peterborough Pippin, Petersburg Pippin, Petersburgh Pippen, Petersburgh Pippin, Pippin, Pippin Newtown Yellow, Reinette de New-York, Virginia Pippin, White Newtown Pippin, White's Newtown Pippin, Yellow Newton, Yellow Newton Pippin, Yellow Newton's Pippin, Yellow Newtown, Yellow Newtown Pippin
Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Donnington)
Mother to:
Lamb Abbey Pearmain
May Beauty
Storey's Seedling
Eastbourne Pippin
Sissons's Worksop Newtown
Accession name
Newtown Pippin

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register