Pomme Royale
Malus domestica Borkh.
Believed to have originated in the USA. It was recorded in 1835. Renamed Dyer in about 1850. Fruits have fine, crisp, tender, yellowish white flesh with a rich and subacid flavour.
Bard Apple, Beard Burden, Beard Burdon, Beard's Burden, Bullripe, Coe's Spice, Dyer, Golden Spice, Harris White Hall, Mygatt's Bergamot, Mygott's Bergamot, Penneo's Favourite, Pinneo's Favorite, Pinneo's Favourite, Pinneos Favourite, Pomme Royal, Pomme Roye, Pomme Water, Pommewater, Smithfield Spice, Tompkins, White Spice, Woodstock
Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Accession name
Pomme Royale

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register